Honoring our common human journey, here in San Francisco.

The SF Contemplarium is a new civic institution tending to the hearts and spirits of San Franciscans through contemplative public spaces, programming, accompaniment, and community-building. Made by and for San Franciscans; serving the public across diverse backgrounds, practices, and beliefs.

The goal is to build a contemplative “third place” that anybody can go to for human support and solidarity at any moment in life, in a setting that is authentic, community-oriented, person-centered, and substantive.

What is the San Francisco Contemplarium?

For a brief, initial sketch of the general concept, read Glimpses of the Contemplarium.

And read more detail about the impetus, vision, and plan behind establishing the San Francisco Contemplarium.

Follow us on Instagram**:** @sfcontemplarium

For updates and to contact us, find us on Instagram @sfcontemplarium. Or, send us an email at [email protected].

Upcoming Events

More coming soon!

Pilot Programs

1. Pop-Up Reflection Stands

A place to pause, for everyone — no matter who and how you are.

The SF Contemplarium is creating public pop-up spaces where anyone can engage for a moment of pause.




Today, our physical pop-ups feature a Reflection Stand, where people can write their joys and sorrows (i.e. something positive happening in your life, something negative happening in your life) on beautiful cards and hang them up in a dignified way with colorful strips of fabric.

At a nearby “Wishing Well”, people can drop a pebble into a vessel of water to honor the posted reflections. Over time, the Reflection Stand will offer more stations for a contemplative moment, e.g. a Walking Labyrinth for a calming walk or a Listening Post for a supportive ear.

Photos above, from left: The stand where people put up their reflections based on a prompt; the table where folks can drop a pebble with a good intention to honor the reflections posted; and the table where people can write their reflections.